Frequently Asked Questions

  • Resort Tours?

    Yes, tour times are by reservation only! Please call to schedule.

  • Evaluation and Kennel Acclimation

    The evaluation and kennel acclimation is a standard PlayDay. We ask that you leave your dog with us for at least 4 hours. During PlayDay we will temperament test and let your dog get accustomed to the smells and operation of our kennel. We want your dog to be comfortable and happy!

  • Watching your dogs play?

    We do not allow spectators in the play yards. Dogs become extremely anxious when they see unfamiliar people. We cannot allow owners to walk their dogs to the play yards. Introducing dogs into play groups requires proper training - this is a staff only task.

  • Supervision

    Dogs are ALWAYS supervised when they are in the play yards.

  • Can my Non-Dog friendly dog still board?

    Yes, there are many dogs that do not enjoy group play. We will not socialize your dog with others. Your dog will have plenty of private play time in seperate play yards.

  • Can my dogs board together?

    Yes, as long as they are from the same household. Unfortunately, we cannot board "friends" in the same kennel.

  • Breed Restrictions

    We do not have any breed restrictions. However, we reserve the right to accept or not accept any pet. We take safety of our staff and other pets VERY SERIOUSLY.

  • Age Restrictions

    All dogs must be at least 16 weeks old and have all required immunizations (Rabies, Parvo/Distemper, and Bordetella). We do not board dogs after their 12th Birdthday. 

  • Lunch Time!

    Yes, if your dog requires a lunch, bring prepared food or we will feed them our house food. We prepare lunch around 12:00 pm.

  • Why are my dogs so tired?

     "Remember, a tired dog is a happy dog!"

    We encourage play time and exercise. Just like children coming home from school they may be irritable until they eat dinner or relax.

  • Why is my dog so thirsty coming home?

    Sometimes, dogs don't take the time to drink water because they are so busy with their friends. We have large equine water pales in all yards and the water is refreshed frequently through out the day. There are also water bowls in every kennel and kitty condo. They are checked throughout the day. We live in a very warm climate and this will also increase the water intake.

  • Weather

    The Lowcountry of South Carolina is known for having spotty weather.  Please understand, during inclement weather, we will limit play time and will also cancel PlayDay, if necessary. It is VERY warm in Bluffton during the summer. To accommodate, we have pools, sprinklers, fans, and shade structures. Some breeds may not enjoy PlayDay during the heat of the summer.

Contact Us

Boarding At The Resort

Boarding Schedule

  • 6:00am- Rise n' shine, lights on! First outside play starts
  • 7:00am- Breakfast is served
  • 9:00am- Second outside play and play groups start
  • 12:00pm- Lunch is served, nap time (if preferred) begins
  • 2:00pm- Third outside play and play groups resume
  • 4:00pm- Dinner is served
  • 6:00pm- Fourth outside play
  • 7:00pm- Lights out!

Holiday Deposit & Cancellation

Holiday Deposit and Cancellation

May River Pet Resort requires a $100/per room deposit during holiday season dates below.

72 Hour Cancellation Policy (full deposit refund)

  • Memorial Day: May 26 - May 31
  • Fourth of July: June 29 - July 9
  • Labor Day: September 1 - September 6

7 Day Cancellation (full deposit refund)

  • Thanksgiving: November 15 - November 26
  • Christmas/New Year's: December 15 - January 3
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